OpenRail Designer Help

To Apply Cross Slope Rotation To a 3D Drive Through Model

  1. Set the views.
  2. Select the 3D Drive Through tool.
  3. Follow the heads-up prompts to select the view and center line.
  4. Select the Advanced Controls tab.
  5. Click in the Apply cross slope rotation toggle. Note: A check mark does NOT appear yet.
  6. Move the cursor off the dialog and into the 3D view and follow the heads-up prompts.

    Heads-Up Prompt

    User Response

    Select Left Roll Constraints, Reset to skip constraints.

    Select a MS 3D element or a Civil horizontal geometry element (which must have an active profile)to begin the roll limits. Reset exits the feature.

    Select Right Roll Constraints, Reset to skip constraints.

    Select a MS 3D element or a Civil horizontal geometry element (which must have an active profile) to begin the roll limits. Reset exits the feature.

    After both constraints are defined, the toggle to the left of Apply cross slope rotation in the Advanced Controls dialog is checked. This indicates both constraints are acceptable elements.
  7. Run or step through to view the results utilizing the rotation.